Thursday, February 14, 2013

Eggplant Balado (Balado Terong)

Eggplant Balado (Balado Terong) cooking recipes. A note about the recipe ingredients and how to cook Eggplant Balado (Balado Terong). Purple eggplant is one vegetable that is common in Indonesia and is often processed into various dishes. The benefits are also many, such as reducing the risk of cancer because it contains trypsin inhibitor. Also reduces epilepsy and nerve spasms, and inhibits atherosclerosis or blood vessel damage. One of the refined dishes of eggplant that is very popular is the Eggplant Balado (Balado Terong). It was a spicy savory tongue favored by the people of Indonesia who do like spicy. Here is a recipe of Eggplant Balado (Balado Terong).
Eggplant Balado (Balado Terong). Culinary Recipes
Eggplant Balado (Balado Terong)
Cooking Recipe: Eggplant Balado (Balado Terong).

Ingredients :
- 4 pieces of purple eggplant, cut in half lengthwise, then fried with a very small fire that eggplant does not burn.

Seasoning of Eggplant Balado :
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 cm galangal / laos, crushed
- 2 pieces of orange leaves
- 1 piece of tomato
- 1/2 teaspoon of tamarind water
- Salt to taste
- 1/2 teaspoon of granulated sugar
- 100 milliliters of water

Seasonings, puree :
- 5 pieces of curly red chilli
- 3 pieces of large red chillies
- 6 pieces of red onion
- Pepper to taste

How to cook Eggplant Balado (Balado Terong) :
1. Saute the spices, bay leaves, galangal, and lime leaves.
2. Enter tomatoes. If it is withered, and enter the eggplant.
3. Pour the water, acidic water, salt, and sugar. Cook until cooked and the flavors mingle.

Recipe category :
- Soups and Vegetables
Kitchen and Dining Store
Related posts :

thumbnail Eggplant Balado (Balado Terong)
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